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电话: 0756-7515303
姓名: Mike Yang
Sensortech (HK)ltd.
reed sensor
reed sensor
Float sensor
Float sensor

  To meet the rapidly growing demand from the local Chinese and overseas market for Reed Switch-Sensing Technology the new companies in Hong Kong and China Head Office Sensor Tech (HK) Ltd. 14/F., Aztec House, 2 Mau Lam Street Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Factory Sensor Tech (Zhuhai) Ltd. C Building of No., 11 Xinghan Road,Sanzao Scientific and Industrial Park,Zhuhai,China has been established the last quarter of 2003. More than 4100 sqm provide ideal grounds

主要产品/业务: reed sensor/reed switch/float sensor/level sensor

Sensortech (HK)ltd. / 广东 / sanzao zhuhai guangdong (519040) / 电话:0756-7515303

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